Hoover High School was established in 1963 and is one of seven comprehensive high schools in California’s third largest school district. Hoover High is in the northeastern corner of Fresno Unified School District boundaries with a total of 10 feeder elementary schools and two middle schools. We are also located within walking distance of California State University, Fresno. Hoover is very diverse. We host the largest, most extensive Special Education program of any high school in our district. Our student population consists of 14.4% students with disabilities, 10.4% English learners, 82% socioeconomically disadvantaged, 62% Hispanic, 13% Asian, 11% White, and 9% African American. We also have a very diverse staff and are actively working to further diversify our staff under the leadership of our new principal.
Hoover shines in its inclusiveness. We have sports and music programs that combine special needs students with general education students. We regularly celebrate our diversity by organizing activities and learning opportunities around cultural awareness months as an integral part of how we operate.
The academic programs we offer are a general A-G course progression and courses in GATE, honors, Advanced Placement, and Dual Enrollment. For our special education students, we offer both co-taught classes that support inclusion and self-contained classes. For our English learners, we offer three levels of EL classes, and all teachers are trained to support EL students in general education and elective courses. We have three CTE pathway options for students: Public Service, Eco-Technology, and Arts, Media, and Entertainment. Participation in these pathways gives students unique opportunities for field trips, hands-on learning, community connections, and certifications. In athletics, students can choose from 26 comprehensive programs and 3 unified sports. Hoover also has a wide array of clubs that students can participate in.
There is a great sense of pride in being a Hoover Pate with many in our community. This pride and love for our school shows itself through the many staff members who are themselves Hoover alumni and through the longevity of many staff members who call Hoover “home.”
School Mission Hoover’s Mission:
Provide a positive environment that inspires students to grow as individuals, learners, and citizens.
School Vision Hoover’s Vision:
An enduring community of learners where every student succeeds at high levels, and where every teacher, administrator, parent, and staff member gives and receives ongoing support.
Schoolwide Learner Outcomes:
Technological Learners
Self-Directed Learners
Responsible Citizens
Effective Communicator
Critical Thinker