All students who transfer to Hoover High School must do the following if they want to play any sports:
- Meet with the Athletic Director once you are enrolled at Hoover.
- The Athletic Director will give you a CIF Transfer Packet and go over how to complete. They are multiple reasons for transferring schools and multiple possibilities of eligibility.
- Some possible transfers are based on Full Family Move, academic reasons, safety reasons and other potential hardships. These are all found on the Central Section CIF webpage:
- Parent/guardian will complete all necessary information and return to the Athletic Director.
- Hoover Athletic Director will get all necessary signatures from Hoover and former school(s).
- Once all signatures are collected, the form is sent the Central Section CIF. The Section Commissioner will make all decisions regarding eligibility.
- Once a decision is made, the Commissioner will notify the family, and both schools.
- For more information, please contact the Hoover Athletic Office.